#ToDoDataview - Completed:: - Project:: [[Project Obsidian plugin development]] - Status:: Active - Status Focus:: 1 - Priority:: 2 - Importance:: 2 - Category:: Development - Date Created:: 2022-12-26 - Date Started:: 2022-12-26 - Due Date:: - Due Date Record:: - Date Deferred:: - Recur Length:: - Status Content:: Pending - Status Link:: Done - Status File:: Pending - Date Completed:: - Energy:: - Estimated Time:: --- # Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317 This idea directly comes from the following note: πŸ“ 2022-12-26T23:17 - [[2022-12-26#^cnj4ma]] ## General - [x] Consider the following ideas when first developing this plugin πŸ“ 2022-12-27T13:58 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T09:47 - [[2022-12-26#^cnj4ma]] βœ… 2023-01-21T09:47 - [[2022-12-26#^0429ka]] ❎ 2023-01-21T09:46 - Arranged in the following task: βœ… 2023-01-21T09:46 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^z2qrgl]] - [[2022-12-25#^kq6yfe]] πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:46 ❎ 2023-01-21T09:44 ## Develop the plugin - [x] Fork the following plugin as a starting point πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:00 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T14:28 ^mlgawu - [[Tool Obsidian - Task Collector]] - [x] Improve basic info to fit own plugin needs πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:39 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T17:44 - [x] Change info like plugin name and description in the following files πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:40 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T17:44 - [x] `manifest.json` [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T14:40 - [x] `package.json` [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T14:40 - [x] `README.md` πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:42 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T16:31 - [x] Credits section [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T14:45 - [x] `CHANGELOG.md` πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:42 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T17:44 - [x] Clean up the repository for better plugin development πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:34 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T16:18 - #BlogTopic πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:36 - [x] Disable pushing to the Task Collector repo with [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:11 - `git remote set-url --push upstream DISABLE` - [x] Study how to remove the old releases from Task Collector πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:12 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:36 - [x] Search for the keywords "github remove old releases from a fork" πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:34 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:35 - [Delete fork dependency of a GitHub repository - Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16052477/delete-fork-dependency-of-a-github-repository) - ==Finally, I decided to import the forked repository, to be able to disconnect with the original repo.== πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:35 - [x] Search for the keywords "github remove all tags" πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:36 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:36 - [How To Delete Git Tag](https://phoenixnap.com/kb/delete-git-tag#:~:text=tags%20at%20once.-,The%20syntax%20is%3A,%5D%20%5Btag2%5D%20...&text=The%20command%20deletes%20the%20specified%20remote%20tags.&text=The%20command%20deletes%20all%20the%20tags%20from%20the%20specified%20remote%20repository.) - ==This tutorial worked for me for removing all local and remote tags.== πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:36 - [x] Improve the settings tab as follows πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:29 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T23:01 - [x] Study the plugin settings tab and the correspond plugin code files πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:43 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T16:18 - [x] Improve the file `taskcollector-SettingsTab.ts` πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:44 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:55 - [x] Search for the keywords "moving" πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:44 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:45 - [x] Comment out corresponding codes [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:45 - [x] Comment out all the code corresponding to the section "Moving completed tasks" πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:47 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:55 - [x] Restart Obsidian and confirm if the changes take effect or not πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:56 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T16:18 - [x] All changes take effect in the Settings tab[completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:56 - [x] In the hotkeys part, one command `Move all completed tasks to configured heading` was not removed πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:57 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T16:17 - [x] Search for the keyword "move" in all code files πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:57 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:58 - [x] Comment out the code `moveCompletedTasksInFile` in `taskcollector-TaskCollector.ts` [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T15:58 - [x] Search for the keywords "move all completed tasks" πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:04 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T16:15 - [x] Search for the keywords "this.addCommand" and "hotkey" πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:05 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T16:15 - [x] Check all code files in the `src` folder and comment out code related to moving tasks [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T16:15 - ==It is now confirmed that everything related to moving tasks is not removed from the plugin interface.== πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:16 - [x] Clean up the repository πŸ“ 2022-12-29T16:03 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T16:36 - [x] src πŸ“ 2022-12-29T16:04 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T16:36 - [x] test πŸ“ 2022-12-29T16:04 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T16:36 - [x] root πŸ“ 2022-12-29T16:04 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T16:36 - [x] Calculate time usage for developing Task Marker πŸ“ 2023-01-21T12:33 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-21] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T12:41 - #ToolTimingUsage πŸ“ 2023-01-21T12:40 - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2023-01-21T12:33 βœ… 2023-01-21T12:40 - [[Project actions - Publish blog articles on the Obsidian Publish and Blot sites - 202211081422#^g60tdy]] - [x] Search for the following keywords πŸ“ 2023-01-21T12:33 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T12:40 - changing task status βœ… 2023-01-21T12:40 - task marker βœ… 2023-01-21T12:40 - [x] Review the related Timing activities πŸ“ 2023-01-21T12:35 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T12:40 - ==From [[2022-12-22]] to [[2023-01-21]], the time used for studying Obsidian plugin developing docs and developing the Task Marker plugin is around 59 hours and 15 minutes, which is around 2 hours per day and is a lot!== πŸ“ 2023-01-21T12:40 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats ## Improve plugin features - [ ] Plan Task Marker plugin features πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:50 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-20] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] ^qqkhbr - This task directly comes from the following note: πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:53 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^4a8efa]] - ==Features that related to appending text include:== πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:45 - Create, complete and mark tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:45 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^jgwg4m]] - Append text πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:45 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^v11ml0]] - Add task descriptions πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:49 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^gnqjhz]] - Add tags πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:46 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^2earnk]] - ==Other features may include:== πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:47 - Modify Dataview inline fields πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:47 ^r960xe - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^uwa2ci]] - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^51s3q4]] - [x] Consider using Obsidian Canvas for planning features and achieving them πŸ“ 2023-01-25T10:21 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T13:19 ^ejgpn5 - #ToolObsidianCanvasUsage πŸ“ 2023-02-10T13:19 - This task directly comes out when trying to arranging the following task after completing another task: πŸ“ 2023-01-25T10:22 βœ… 2023-02-10T13:18 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^u1c6z8]] - This task becomes even more beneficial when there are too many tasks on the Kanban board and Dataview query results. πŸ“ 2023-02-01T10:40 - [!] Check the following Canvas for details: πŸ“ 2023-02-10T12:40 [mark::2023-03-24] βœ”οΈ 2023-03-24T18:08 ^qp8uf7 - [[Canvas_Project Task Marker development_Tasks - 202302101231.canvas]] - [ ] Consider removing other unnecessary/overlapped features with Task Collector πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:29 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-27] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::3] ^z2qrgl - One may consider the following when achieving this: πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:06 - They are already achieved in Task Collector. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:06 - My workflow does need those features that much. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:06 - Those features are not the focus of the current plugin. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:07 - For instance, the current plugin may focus on changing task statuses and append text. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:08 - [ ] Consider removing features related to operating on all tasks πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:23 ^nz0gv0 - [x] E.g., complete all tasks from menu item πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:24 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T10:23 - [ ] Also consider removing commands for completing all tasks πŸ“ 2022-12-29T10:22 - [ ] Consider closing the following related feature request πŸ“ 2023-02-02T12:15 - [should Reset All Completed Tasks (optionally) remove completion dates? Β· Issue #27 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/27) - [ ] Consider removing features related to removing text πŸ“ 2023-01-13T21:16 ^kxh3hs - ==Instead, the main features could be to append text. In fact, the following feature thought directly inspires this point:== πŸ“ 2023-01-13T21:17 ^4a8efa - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^2earnk]] - [ ] Consider removing the reset task feature πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:28 ^7j5q4b - Instead, users can use Task Collector for such a purpose. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:29 - [ ] Check also the following related task: πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:36 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^mbd7pd]] - [x] Consider the following features when developing the plugin πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:01 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T17:15 - [x] Append text when marking items πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:46 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T20:30 - [Append date when marking < Β· Issue #56 Β· ebullient/obsidian-task-collector](https://github.com/ebullient/obsidian-task-collector/issues/56) - [x] Support adding a separate setting item for defining marking postfix πŸ“ 2022-12-27T18:13 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T19:13 - [x] Fix the bug when resetting tasks πŸ“ 2022-12-27T19:06 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T20:30 - [>] Resetting a completed/cancelled task would not remove the appended text πŸ“ 2022-12-27T19:07 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T20:30 ^q5jsai - This also exists in the original Task Collector plugin. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T19:15 βœ… 2022-12-28T17:13 - [x] Resetting a marked/open task would append text instead of resetting the task πŸ“ 2022-12-27T19:07 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T20:30 - Marking action is executed, instead of resetting πŸ“ 2022-12-27T19:51 βœ… 2022-12-28T17:13 - ==Further studying the code shows that when resetting a task, it tries to mark a task with the marker `" "`. That's why it tries to first call the mark function then call the reset function.== πŸ“ 2022-12-27T20:30 βœ… 2022-12-28T17:13 - Check the code `this.markTaskOnLines` for details. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T20:37 βœ… 2022-12-28T17:13 - First mark text, then reset task πŸ“ 2022-12-27T19:57 βœ… 2022-12-28T17:13 - [x] Consider adding a switch in the settings that allows the user to select whether to append text or not when marking a task πŸ“ 2022-12-27T20:57 [sf::0] [created::2022-12-27] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T17:12 ^1gm3bb - [x] Check the following code for inspiration πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:05 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T17:11 - `completedAreaRemoveCheckbox` βœ… 2022-12-28T17:14 - `appendRemoveAllTasks` βœ… 2022-12-28T17:14 - [x] This is already support if one sets the string to empty [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T21:18 - [x] Consider if necessary to add a separate command for making tasks without appending text πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:19 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T17:11 - For now, my workflow does not need this. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:20 βœ… 2022-12-28T17:11 - ==This is already addressed in the following task:== πŸ“ 2022-12-28T17:11 βœ… 2022-12-28T17:12 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^cl6awu]] - [x] Support marking a list item just like completing a list item πŸ“ 2022-12-27T18:12 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T20:59 - This is already supported in the original Task Collector code. βœ… 2022-12-27T20:59 - [x] Support assigning hotkeys for marking different task statuses πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:46 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-27] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T22:55 ^ebz8wo - [x] The desired task statues can be set in the settings pane πŸ“ 2022-12-27T18:22 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T22 - At least these can be added to hotkeys, for quicker task status changing. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:44 βœ… 2022-12-27T22:54 - It may not be that necessary to add them as individual menu items, as one can see all of them in the Mark menu. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:44 βœ… 2022-12-27T22:54 - Then the plugin can add the first 5 (excluding the first reset option) statues to the hotkey list. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:46 βœ… 2022-12-27T22:54 - More can be added, if needed. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:51 βœ… 2022-12-27T22:54 - [-] One can add a toggle option for adding them as hotkeys in the settings pane πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:45 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T22:53 - [x] Check the variable `incompleteTaskValues` for values πŸ“ 2022-12-27T21:49 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T22:53 - Added a text description instead in the settings pane. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T22:54 βœ… 2022-12-27T22:54 - [x] Address the hotkey and the following text appending issue together with the following idea πŸ“ 2022-12-28T00:08 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-28] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::2] [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T11:12 ^cl6awu - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^1gm3bb]] - [[2022-12-27#^5glgmn]] πŸ“ 2022-12-28T00:11 - [x] Study existing task statuses πŸ“ 2022-12-28T09:35 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T11:10 - [Obsidian--ITS-Theme/Alternate-Checkboxes.md at main Β· SlRvb/Obsidian--ITS-Theme](https://github.com/SlRvb/Obsidian--ITS-Theme/blob/main/Guide/Alternate-Checkboxes.md) πŸ“ 2022-12-28T09:53 - ==Allow setting hotkeys for all tasks types may not be a good idea, as there can be too many task statuses.== πŸ“ 2022-12-28T09:56 ^lhgxlv - [x] Consider adding another row for task statuses without appending text πŸ“ 2022-12-28T09:54 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T11:11 ^uy67xb - This task directly comes from the following note: πŸ“ 2022-12-28T09:56 βœ… 2022-12-28T11:11 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^lhgxlv]] - [x] Consider adding a hotkey command for cycling task statuses πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:03 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-28] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::3] [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:10 ^t39vf2 - [x] The statuses to cycle should include all statuses set by the user in the settings pane. πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:04 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:03 - When cycle task statuses, it is not necessary to append text. πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:08 βœ… 2022-12-29T11:03 - One can use a separate section or do this under the section Mark task statuses. πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:08 βœ… 2022-12-29T11:03 - [x] Consider the following factors when developing this feature πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:05 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:07 - [x] How to pass the hotkey command to cycle task status? πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:05 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:03 - Call a function to do this. βœ… 2022-12-29T11:03 - [x] How to get current status of the item? πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:06 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:06 - [x] It should be a function to obtain the status; if this is a little tricky, one can default to cycle from the first status by the user. πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:07 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T18:03 - [x] Still, it is needed to get the mark of the selected task, to cycle it status. [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T18:01 - [x] Still not sure how to do this after searching for tutorials mentioned on the follow page: πŸ“ 2022-12-28T18:01 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T18:03 - [[Entry summary on Obsidian plugin development - 202212222008 - Note]] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:04 - Obsidian API βœ… 2022-12-29T11:04 - Obsidian Developer Docs βœ… 2022-12-29T11:04 - [x] Searched for the following keywords [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T18:07 - Task, Mark, Check βœ… 2022-12-29T11:05 - [x] Also check the following plugin code: [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T18:07 - Task Collector βœ… 2022-12-29T11:05 - Snippetor βœ… 2022-12-29T11:05 - Hotkeysplus βœ… 2022-12-29T11:05 - [hotkeysplus-obsidian/main.ts at master Β· argenos/hotkeysplus-obsidian](https://github.com/argenos/hotkeysplus-obsidian/blob/master/main.ts) πŸ“ 2022-12-28T18:31 βœ… 2022-12-29T11:05 - ==This plugin cycles a few to-do statuses. Therefore, the code might be useful for this feature.== πŸ“ 2022-12-28T18:32 ^wa71xk - The code is in the branch `cycle_task_status_v2`. πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:35 - [x] #GTDWaitingForDone Obsidian developers answer the question regarding this on [[2022-12-28]] [sf::1] [created::2022-12-28] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::3] [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:05 ^84bpny - [x] Ask this question on the Obsidian Discord channel πŸ“ 2022-12-28T18:04 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T18:06 - [Discord](https://discord.com/channels/686053708261228577/840286264964022302/1057704359640698941) - ==No answer yet, but this issue is resolved without needing this.== πŸ“ 2022-12-29T11:06 ^z6jys6 - [x] Use the existing Mark code to develop this feature or create a new one? πŸ“ 2022-12-28T13:06 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:07 - A new function was needed, to not complicate existing features. βœ… 2022-12-29T11:07 - [x] Use the Hotkeysplus plugin code for cycling task status πŸ“ 2022-12-28T19:50 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:09 - This task directly comes from the following note: πŸ“ 2022-12-28T19:50 βœ… 2022-12-29T11:07 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^wa71xk]] - Not sure how to pass user configurations to more task statuses, as the original code uses regular expressions to cycle task status. πŸ“ 2022-12-28T19:51 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:08 - [-] Study how to pass parameters to `replaceTodoElement` πŸ“ 2022-12-28T22:43 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T11:08 - [x] This is not needed anymore, as the issue is resolved with the following method: βœ… 2022-12-29T11:09 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^z6jys6]] - [x] Consider adding a menu item for cycling task statuses πŸ“ 2022-12-29T12:38 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T16:37 ^2wseie - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-29T12:39 βœ… 2022-12-29T16:37 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^t39vf2]] - [ ] Support converting a line as a task and complete or mark it πŸ“ 2022-12-27T17:56 [created::2022-12-27] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC6T ] [p::4] [i::4] [sf::1] - [ ] Also consider the following features when improving this: πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:30 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^egnuab]] - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^v11ml0]] πŸ“ 2022-12-31T13:03 - [x] Support changing task status when there are only note links and URLs in the task text πŸ“ 2022-12-30T23:51 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-30] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::2] [completion::2023-02-12] βœ… 2023-02-12T14:47 ^j3h2zx - ==It took around 1 h 32 min to fix this issue and an issue related to operating on reversely cycling task status.== πŸ“ 2023-02-12T14:49 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - I realised this issue again when trying to change the status of the following item: πŸ“ 2022-12-30T23:55 ❎ 2023-02-12T14:46 - [[2022-12-30#^ajbfch]] - Further tests show that sometimes it works but sometimes it does not. Not sure why. πŸ“ 2022-12-30T23:58 βœ… 2023-02-12T14:45 - ==Today, I encountered this issue again. It could be that it only happens when the item/task only contains note or URL links.== πŸ“ 2023-02-11T20:59 βœ… 2023-02-12T14:45 - ==In fact, it happens when the items start with note or URL links, as this might confuse the judgement of tasks.== βœ… 2023-02-12T14:46 - [x] Confirm when the issue happens by testing the following cases: πŸ“ 2023-02-11T21:00 [completion::2023-02-12] βœ… 2023-02-12T14:42 - [-] The item starts with links and ends with text. [completion::2023-02-12] βœ… 2023-02-12T14:41 - [-] The item starts with text and ends with links. [completion::2023-02-12] βœ… 2023-02-12T14:41 - [x] The item only contains links. [completion::2023-02-12] βœ… 2023-02-12T14:41 - It happens when it is a list item and when cycling a task. πŸ“ 2023-02-11T21:13 βœ… 2023-02-12T14:42 - However, it works as expected when it is a task and when cycling a task. βœ… 2023-02-12T14:42 - [x] Resolve the issue by checking the following notes: πŸ“ 2023-02-12T13:27 [completion::2023-02-12] βœ… 2023-02-12T14:41 - [[2023-02-12#^4pl21i]] - [x] Support appending text when creating tasks πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:28 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-31] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::2] [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:25 ^egnuab - This task directly comes from the following idea: πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:29 βœ… 2022-12-31T13:24 - [[2022-12-31#^wjsfcf]] - [x] Improve the code πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:38 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:24 - [x] Search for the keyword "Row2" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:44 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T11:45 - [x] Search for the keyword "markTaskOnLinesCreate" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:39 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:24 - [x] Search for the keyword "markTaskOnLinesCycle" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:46 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:24 - [x] Search for the keyword "rightClickCycle" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:38 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:24 - [x] Improve the code for the case when it is a list item πŸ“ 2022-12-31T12:41 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:24 - [x] Print in console nothing to append if the string is set to empty πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:30 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:25 - [x] Mark the item as a task if it is a list item πŸ“ 2022-12-31T11:29 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:25 - ==It took about 2 hours to add this feature.== πŸ“ 2022-12-31T13:26 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [ ] Consider adding a feature that only append text and do nothing else πŸ“ 2022-12-31T12:35 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-06] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] ^v11ml0 - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-31T12:36 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^egnuab]] - [ ] Implement this feature in the following steps: πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:01 - [x] Add one option for appending text corresponding to creating tasks πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:01 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T16:59 - [x] Search for the keyword "markTaskOnLinesCreate" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:13 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T16:33 - [x] Search for the keyword "rightClickCreate" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:25 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T16:36 - [x] Search for the keyword "markTaskInSourceCreate" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:31 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T16:41 - [x] Search for the keyword "menu items" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:29 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T16:45 - [x] Search for the keyword "a hotkey" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:33 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T16:46 - [x] Add hotkeys and menu item for this option πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:05 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T16:46 - ==It took about 1 hour to add this feature.== πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:59 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [ ] Add other options, if necessary πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:03 - This can be useful on devices where there are no text expander tools available. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T17:43 - [x] Add additional options for appending text corresponding to completing and marking tasks πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:02 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T20:54 ^y3dmx1 - ==It took around 1 h 51 min to add this feature, including 52 min trying to debug the following development environment issue:== πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:07 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^t4p8bq]] - [>] Change the previous append text command name πŸ“ 2023-01-31T17:45 [mark::2023-01-31] ❎ 2023-01-31T19:54 ^m0emc1 - Decided to keep the previous append text command unchanged, to avoid users resetting hotkeys again like in the last release; one can do this later, to unify the command names in the code. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:53 ❎ 2023-01-31T20:54 - [x] Search for the keywords "appendTextInSourceText" πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:39 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T19:42 - [x] Search for the keywords "appendTextLine" πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:41 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T19:43 - [x] Search for the keywords "appending text" πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:37 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T19:48 - [x] Search for the keywords "rightClickAppend" πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:48 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T19:52 - [x] Fix the following bug when building the plugin πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:09 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T20:44 ^t4p8bq - [x] Search for the keywords `throw new Error(`Invalid option ${where}: ${quote(key)}`)` πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:10 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T20:44 - [\[Bug\]: esbuild fails with `ERROR: Invalid option in build() call: "jsxImportSource"` Β· Issue #20215 Β· storybookjs/storybook](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/issues/20215) - [x] Try to fix the bug with `npm upgrade esbuild` πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:11 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T20:11 - The bug is still there. βœ… 2023-01-31T20:11 - [x] Search in the code for the keywords "appendtext" and see if there are any errors when adding this feature πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:13 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T20:40 - Nothing particular is found. βœ… 2023-01-31T20:40 - [x] Search for the keywords `Invalid option in build() call: "watch"` πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:23 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T20:44 - It could be related to the changes in `esbuild` version larger than 0.16; downgrading esbuild should resolve the issue. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:35 βœ… 2023-01-31T20:41 - [x] Search for the keywords "npm downgrade package" πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:37 [completion::2023-01-31] βœ… 2023-01-31T20:38 ^k9cclu - [How to downgrade an installed npm package - Nathan Sebhastian](https://sebhastian.com/npm-downgrade-package/) - `npm install [email protected]` - ==Downgrading esbuild resolves the building issue.== πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:39 - [>] Alternatively, the following setup for plugin development may also resolve the issue. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:35 [mark::2023-01-31] ❎ 2023-01-31T20:41 ^g7mnob - [A config for esbuild Β· Issue #8 Β· rails/jsbundling-rails Β· GitHub](https://github.com/rails/jsbundling-rails/issues/8#issuecomment-1403699565) - [>] One can compare the updated `esbuild.config.mjs` with the older version and see how to update this file. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:36 [mark::2023-01-31] ❎ 2023-01-31T20:43 - [x] Update the documentation for appending text πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:56 [completion::2023-02-04] βœ… 2023-02-04T18:42 ^ar5zmn - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:56 βœ… 2023-02-04T18:42 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^y3dmx1]] - [ ] Consider using for loops to achieve this feature πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:26 - This is for easily defining multiple appending options in the future. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:27 - [ ] Create a pop-up modal for selecting text to append, like the Mark task modal πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:02 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-20] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::3] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^19gnz6 - The symbols corresponding to creating, completing and marking tasks can be N, C and M, respectively. πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:03 - Or, the symbols can be C, D and M, respectively. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:22 - Or, the symbols can be πŸ“, βœ… and ❎, respectively. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:23 - The user can assign text for these symbols for the modal. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:24 - One needs to consider if the display of these symbols is fine in the Mark modal. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:31 - [ ] Consider the following feature after completing the current feature: πŸ“ 2023-01-25T10:20 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^u1c6z8]] - [ ] Add an icon for this feature πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:11 ^oi91jq - Such icons can be similar to those for tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-31T17:44 - [ ] Such icons can be considered together with the following feature: πŸ“ 2023-01-31T17:44 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^19gnz6]] - [ ] Consider improving icons for different features πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:06 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-20] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^1d3ds8 - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-31T16:11 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^oi91jq]] - [ ] Such icons can be useful for use in Obsidian Mobile when adding certain commands to the toolbar πŸ“ 2023-02-08T20:29 - This point is noted down in the following note: πŸ“ 2023-02-08T20:29 - [[2023-02-08#^1yuvtp]] - This is partly done with the help of GPT-4 related coding apps. πŸ“ 2023-04-03T10:17 #AIApplicationCodingExample - [ ] Continue addressing this for commands like the following: πŸ“ 2023-04-03T10:18 - Append text 1, 2, 3, automatically - [ ] Consider using the following icon for this πŸ“ 2023-04-03T10:19 - A1, A2, A3, AA - T1, T2, T3, TA - Roman characters I, II, III, A - Create task - [ ] Consider using just a square, which is similar to the command for resetting tasks πŸ“ 2023-04-03T10:20 - [ ] Consider adding a feature for switching among different text format to append when completing tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-02T06:49 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-02] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::3] - Specifically, one may use the desired text to append in daily usage; however, in checklists or other cases where one would like to reset tasks, one can use hotkeys to switch to another string. πŸ“ 2023-01-02T06:51 - This way, there is no need to change the settings every time. πŸ“ 2023-01-02T06:51 - This feature directly comes from the following issue: πŸ“ 2023-01-02T06:50 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^mbd7pd]] - [ ] Consider adding a feature where one can add tags to task text πŸ“ 2023-01-10T18:36 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-10] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::3] ^2earnk - The main reason for this is that I often add tags like `GTDWaitingFor` to the beginning of tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-10T18:36 - [ ] Consider adding a feature for easily adding Dataview inline fields of tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:31 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-21] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::3] ^51s3q4 - This feature directly comes from the following features: πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:32 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^uwa2ci]] - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^2earnk]] - [ ] Consider adding a feature for easier modifying the Dataview inline fields of tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:43 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-20] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::3] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^uwa2ci - This feature directly comes from the following feature: πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:44 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^2earnk]] - Such inline fields may represent the following task properties: πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:43 - Priority - Due date - Category - Etc. - [ ] Consider if necessary to add this feature by checking the features of the following similar plugins πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:58 - [[Tool Obsidian - Metadata Menu]] - [[Tool Obsidian - Better Inline Fields]] - [ ] If necessary, study their code for implementing this feature πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:58 - [ ] Consider if necessary to develop a separate plugin for managing Dataview inline fields πŸ“ 2023-01-21T16:39 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-25] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] ^jocibz - [ ] Consider the following note regarding this point πŸ“ 2023-01-21T16:39 - [[2023-01-21#^zypdjh]] - Considering the way of achieving this feature, it feels like a separate plugin. πŸ“ 2023-01-21T16:40 - [ ] Think about whether to repeatedly append text when creating tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-11T21:12 ^4jdtni - This directly comes out when improving the following feature: πŸ“ 2023-01-11T21:13 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^couvoi]] - [ ] Think about the following points: πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:17 - If possible to detect if the task creation task is already appended or not; or is it worth the effort? πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:18 - [ ] Consider adding a popup modal for adding task descriptions πŸ“ 2023-01-12T16:39 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-12] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^gnqjhz - This feature directly comes from the following considerations: πŸ“ 2023-01-12T16:39 - Todoist has the option to add task descriptions when creating tasks. πŸ“ 2023-01-12T16:39 - Long time ago I discussed something like this in a Tasks discussion, where one can add text as sub-item under a task. πŸ“ 2023-01-12T16:42 - When marking tasks with a different status, one can optionally explain why the task is marked with a different status, for future reference. πŸ“ 2023-01-12T16:40 - This feature can be achieved by considering the following aspects: πŸ“ 2023-01-12T16:42 - One can add such text through a popup modal like the one for creating Tasks tasks. πŸ“ 2023-01-12T16:43 - The description text can be added under the first sub-item of the corresponding task. The sub-item can be called something like "Task description". πŸ“ 2023-01-12T16:41 - [ ] Consider the following note when adding descriptions for specific use cases πŸ“ 2023-01-18T16:30 - [[2023-01-18#^vkh4jm]] - [ ] Check the update of the following Todoist-like task creation tool: πŸ“ 2023-01-20T11:22 - [[Tool Obsidian - Quick Note]] - [ ] Consider re-arranging the rows of the task mark modal πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:26 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-20] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] - This feature directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:25 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^19gnz6]] - The rows can be as follows: πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:26 - First row: Create and reset tasks - For creating tasks, one needs to think about whether to use `[ ]` or a different one. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:27 - Creating tasks does not remove the appended text. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:27 - For resetting tasks, one needs to think about whether to use `[ ]` or a different one. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:27 - Resetting tasks may remove the appended text. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:28 - [ ] Consider also the following task together with this one: πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:30 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^7j5q4b]] - Second row - Complete and cancel tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:30 - Third row - Mark tasks and append text πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:30 - Fourth row - Mark tasks and (do not) append text πŸ“ 2023-01-20T21:30 - [ ] Consider if necessary adding the following features to the Mark modal πŸ“ 2023-01-20T22:04 - Cycle task statuses - This can be added to the first row. πŸ“ 2023-01-20T22:05 - [ ] Consider using several tabs in settings, to distinguish among the functions πŸ“ 2023-01-21T09:33 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-21] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] ^mp3n4r - This is mainly because it might be easier to set when there are more features in the future, e.g. the following feature for appending text: πŸ“ 2023-01-21T09:34 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^v11ml0]] - The tabs can be as follows: πŸ“ 2023-01-21T09:34 - First tab - Settings related to tasks - Create tasks - Complete/cancel tasks - Mark tasks - Cycle task statuses - Second tab - Settings related to text - Append text - Third tab - Settings related to miscellaneous items - Choose which items to show up in the right-click context menu - [ ] Consider moving toggle command options to individual sections, in the first step πŸ“ 2023-01-31T17:51 - [ ] Check how the following plugin achieve the tabs feature in settings: πŸ“ 2023-01-21T09:34 - [[Tool Obsidian - Commander]] - [[Tool Obsidian - Translate]] - [ ] Check also how did they divide setting into each tab πŸ“ 2023-01-21T09:36 - Not sure if this is possible with native Obsidian APIs, and not sure if this is very important either. πŸ“ 2023-03-24T18:18 - [ ] Consider improving the logic of cycling and marking tasks from list items and text πŸ“ 2023-01-25T10:17 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-25] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^u1c6z8 - [ ] Consider the following ideas for details πŸ“ 2023-01-25T10:17 - [[2023-01-24#^nujsyy]] - [[2023-01-24#^5nzffr]] - These notes are about operating the task status of list items and any line. The former case has been completed, and the later does not have a high priority for how. πŸ“ 2023-03-24T18:14 - [ ] Consider mainly the following note regarding further implementation details: πŸ“ 2023-01-28T10:26 - [[2023-01-27#^02ii7n]] - [x] Support cycling from list items πŸ“ 2023-02-11T17:56 [completion::2023-02-11] βœ… 2023-02-11T20:37 ^s4p4h3 - ==It took around 43 min to develop this feature.== πŸ“ 2023-02-11T20:39 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [x] Improve everything for `markTaskLineCycleReversely` πŸ“ 2023-02-11T18:14 [completion::2023-02-11] βœ… 2023-02-11T20:37 - [-] Consider whether to add a toggle for this or directly support this πŸ“ 2023-02-11T17:56 [completion::2023-03-24] βœ… 2023-03-24T18:15 - [ ] Consider better integration with Kanban for completing and marking tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:38 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-26] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::2] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^egdape - This feature directly comes from the following feature request that comes from three months ago: πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:39 - [Integrate with the archive action in the Kanban plugin Β· Issue #65 Β· ebullient/obsidian-task-collector](https://github.com/ebullient/obsidian-task-collector/issues/65) - [ ] Consider the following aspects when addressing this issue πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:41 - Support archiving a task and at the same time completing and marking tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:41 - Also consider other features that Task Marker supports. πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:41 - Ideally support appending text as configured in Task Marker πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:43 - Or, one can use Kanban settings for append text, as archived tasks may not be the current focus any more. πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:44 - [ ] Search in the Kanban repo for similar issues πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:40 - [ ] Study how to access Kanban APIs πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:40 - [ ] Consider improving the logic of appending text commands πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:13 - This task directly comes from the following feature: πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:16 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^y3dmx1]] - [ ] Consider the following points πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:14 - When (accidentally) appending text to a task with the corresponding command, is it necessary to at the same time mark the task as completed? πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:19 - On the other hand, since the text is accidentally appended to a task, maybe marking the task as completed is not necessary? The use case for these commands are for appending text to any line, particularly those are not tasks. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:20 - If this point is not necessary, then marking the task with the desired status is not necessary either. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:22 - [ ] Consider the following related features: πŸ“ 2023-01-31T21:16 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^4jdtni]] - [ ] Consider automating the action of creating tasks and append text πŸ“ 2023-02-02T20:26 [created::2023-02-02] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^pljuwk - [ ] Check the following note for implementation details: πŸ“ 2023-02-02T20:26 - [[2023-02-02#^gjaopf]] - [ ] Check if the following task/feature is related: πŸ“ 2023-03-04T12:58 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^06r8l0]] - [x] Consider support reversing the cycle of task statuses πŸ“ 2023-02-03T18:49 [p::1] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:53 ^6zdzak - ==It took around 50 min to develop this feature.== πŸ“ 2023-02-06T22:20 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [i] This can be useful when there are a lot of statuses to cycle, and one would like to quickly go back to a status. πŸ“ 2023-02-03T18:52 - Although one can potentially use hotkeys like `Ctrl+Z` to recover to previous statuses, this feature can still be useful if there are other changes in between. πŸ“ 2023-02-05T09:17 #PTKMExampleTaskNote - [x] Consider adding a tag about this thought process for future reference πŸ“ 2023-02-05T09:18 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:52 - E.g., tags related to slip-box, PTKM, plugin development, feature addressing, etc. ❎ 2023-02-10T19:52 - [x] One can add a toggle in the settings such that a new command would be created to reverse cycling the task statuses. πŸ“ 2023-02-03T18:51 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:52 - [x] Improve the code to add this feature [completion::2023-02-06] βœ… 2023-02-06T22:18 - [x] Search for the keywords "supportcanceledtasks" πŸ“ 2023-02-06T21:39 [completion::2023-02-06] βœ… 2023-02-06T22:07 - [x] Search for the keywords "markTaskOnLinesCycle" πŸ“ 2023-02-06T21:41 [completion::2023-02-06] βœ… 2023-02-06T22:08 - [x] Search for the keywords "rightClickCycle" πŸ“ 2023-02-06T21:43 [completion::2023-02-06] βœ… 2023-02-06T22:09 - [x] Search for the keywords "markTaskOnLinesCycle" πŸ“ 2023-02-06T21:44 [completion::2023-02-06] βœ… 2023-02-06T22:09 - [x] Search for the keywords "markTaskInSourceCycle" πŸ“ 2023-02-06T21:45 [completion::2023-02-06] βœ… 2023-02-06T22:10 - [x] Search for the keywords "supportCanceledTasks" πŸ“ 2023-02-06T21:53 [completion::2023-02-06] βœ… 2023-02-06T22:10 - [x] Release this version after testing a few days πŸ“ 2023-02-06T22:18 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:51 - [x] Update the corresponding doc πŸ“ 2023-02-06T21:51 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:51 - [ ] Consider adjusting the way of defining completed task statuses the same way as marking tasks πŸ“ 2023-02-07T09:01 [sf::1] [created::2023-02-07] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^60zr96 - This task directly comes from the following note and task: πŸ“ 2023-02-07T09:02 - [[2023-02-07#^m6i1rd]] - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^tp79bp]] - [x] Consider automatically appending text according to task status πŸ“ 2023-02-14T19:16 [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:18 ^06r8l0 - [b] ==It took around 1 h 44 min to develop this feature.== πŸ“ 2023-02-21T22:00 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats [mark::2023-03-04] βœ”οΈ 2023-03-04T14:18 - Also check the following note for other time stats regarding this feature: πŸ“ 2023-03-04T13:00 - [[2023-02-25#^ey7ilm]] - Decide to rename the original tag from `ToolObsidianPluginDevelopmentStats` to `ToolObsidianPluginDevStats`, to make it shorter and consistent with other similar tags. #TagNaming πŸ“ 2023-03-04T13:02 - [x] Check the following note for details: πŸ“ 2023-02-14T19:17 [completion::2023-02-26] βœ… 2023-02-26T16:47 - [[2023-02-14#^na6a2d]] ❎ 2023-02-26T16:47 - [-] Check if the following feature is related: πŸ“ 2023-02-14T19:17 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T12:59 ^cgt3u2 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^pljuwk]] - Decide to check this in the original task location βœ… 2023-03-04T12:59 - [x] Implement this feature πŸ“ 2023-02-21T19:13 [completion::2023-02-21] βœ… 2023-02-21T22:00 - [x] Search for the keywords "append" πŸ“ 2023-02-21T19:13 [completion::2023-02-21] βœ… 2023-02-21T21:38 - [x] Search for the keywords "appendTextOnLines" πŸ“ 2023-02-21T19:14 [completion::2023-02-21] βœ… 2023-02-21T21:38 - [x] Search for the keywords "rightClickAppendText" πŸ“ 2023-02-21T19:15 [completion::2023-02-21] βœ… 2023-02-21T21:39 - [x] Search for the keywords "appendTextInSource" πŸ“ 2023-02-21T19:19 [completion::2023-02-21] βœ… 2023-02-21T21:39 - [x] Search for the keywords "appendTextLine" πŸ“ 2023-02-21T19:46 [completion::2023-02-21] βœ… 2023-02-21T22:00 - [x] Improve documentation about this feature πŸ“ 2023-02-21T19:39 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:16 - [b] ==It took around 1 h 18 min to address, probably because of the following reasons==: #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats [mark::2023-03-04] βœ”οΈ 2023-03-04T14:17 - This feature is quite complicated to implement and describe, compared with other featres. - The description involves changes in several places, e.g., README, Setting and the plugin settings tab. - [x] Make it a separate section in the setting tab πŸ“ 2023-03-04T13:07 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T13:14 - [x] Add descriptions in README/Features πŸ“ 2023-03-04T13:07 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:10 - [x] Add descriptions in Usage/Settings πŸ“ 2023-03-04T13:07 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:10 - [x] Update the text/link in the setting tab to the correct online doc πŸ“ 2023-03-04T13:08 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:10 - [x] Consider adding an option for toggling the automatically appending for marking πŸ“ 2023-02-21T21:37 [completion::2023-02-26] βœ… 2023-02-26T16:41 - The current logic would append either of the marking strings. πŸ“ 2023-02-21T22:01 ❎ 2023-02-26T16:41 - [x] Support automatically append text for a non-task line [completion::2023-02-24] βœ… 2023-02-24T13:42 ^0rfze6 - [b] ==Yesterday ([[2023-02-23]]) it took around 2 h 20 min to add this feature. The main reasons for using this long time are as follows:== πŸ“ 2023-02-24T13:43 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats [mark::2023-03-04] βœ”οΈ 2023-03-04T14:17 - I needed to study the new `addDropdown` module in Obsidian. - I needed to study how to call a function from another function and return results in TypeScript. - [x] Improve the logic for automatically appending text to a non-task line πŸ“ 2023-02-25T22:18 [completion::2023-02-26] βœ… 2023-02-26T16:41 - [x] Check the following note for details: πŸ“ 2023-02-25T22:18 [completion::2023-02-26] βœ… 2023-02-26T16:41 - [[2023-02-25#^wl01ew]] ❎ 2023-02-26T16:41 ## Fix plugin bugs - [ ] Fix the bug when resetting a task the appended text would not be removed πŸ“ 2022-12-27T20:31 ^mbd7pd - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-27T20:31 βœ… 2023-01-08T09:54 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^q5jsai]] - [x] Consider opening an issue on the Task Collector page πŸ“ 2022-12-27T20:32 #ToolIssueDone [completion::2023-01-08] βœ… 2023-01-08T09:54 - [-] After further checking related issues, it could be that one needs to proper set a regular expression for this purpose: πŸ“ 2022-12-27T20:56 [completion::2023-01-08] βœ… 2023-01-08T09:54 - [Support resetting one task and remove appended date string Β· Issue #4 Β· ebullient/obsidian-task-collector](https://github.com/ebullient/obsidian-task-collector/issues/4) - [Appended date string would not be removed when resetting completed tasks for string βœ… YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm Β· Issue #2 Β· ebullient/obsidian-task-collector](https://github.com/ebullient/obsidian-task-collector/issues/2) - [x] Report the issue on [[2022-12-29]]: πŸ“ 2022-12-29T18:55 [completion::2023-01-08] βœ… 2023-01-08T09:54 - [Resetting a task does not remove appended text for certain cases Β· Issue #99 Β· ebullient/obsidian-task-collector](https://github.com/ebullient/obsidian-task-collector/issues/99) - [x] Consider adding the details as noted down as follows: πŸ“ 2023-01-02T18:52 [completion::2023-01-08] βœ… 2023-01-08T09:54 - [[2023-01-02#^ndb5dz]] - [x] ==The issue is now fixed with the following commit:== πŸ“ 2023-01-08T09:51 [completion::2023-01-08] βœ… 2023-01-08T09:54 ^2p9olv - [πŸ› Fix construction of completion expressions. Resolves #99 Β· ebullient/obsidian-task-collector@1245218](https://github.com/ebullient/obsidian-task-collector/commit/12452181cc48f79f7ed89d759801e241079761f0) - [x] In the master branch of Task Collector: πŸ“ 2022-12-29T12:06 [completion::2023-01-08] βœ… 2023-01-08T09:54 - `[βœ… ]YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm` works, but `[[completion::]YYYY-MM-DD[] βœ… ]YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm` does not work. πŸ“ 2022-12-29T12:06 - [ ] Try to fix this issue by considering the following commit by Task Collector πŸ“ 2023-01-08T09:50 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^2p9olv]] - [ ] Decide to delay the fix consider the following aspects: πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:49 - Features related to removing text may be removed in the future, as noted down as follows: πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:49 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^kxh3hs]] - Task Collector addresses this issue better. πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:50 - [ ] Add this feature description to the project page when the bug is fixed πŸ“ 2022-12-29T12:07 - [ ] Fix the bug the where most commands do not appear in Command Palette πŸ“ 2022-12-27T22:56 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-27] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-27T22:55 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^ebz8wo]] - This issue also exists in the Master branch of Task Collector πŸ“ 2022-12-27T22:57 - One can see these tasks when assigning hotkeys, though. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T22:56 - There is a similar issue where certain commands do not appear as hotkeys πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:00 - [Support cancelling tasks with hotkeys Β· Issue #15 Β· ebullient/obsidian-task-collector](https://github.com/ebullient/obsidian-task-collector/issues/15) - According to the following documentation, it could be that some tasks need to have an active editor and certain conditions satisfied, to have them appear in Command Palette: πŸ“ 2022-12-28T00:15 - [Command | Obsidian Plugin Developer Docs](https://marcus.se.net/obsidian-plugin-docs/reference/typescript/interfaces/Command#checkcallback) - ==Not sure why, but it works now.== πŸ“ 2022-12-28T11:51 - [x] Fix the bug where marking items with the second row did not give the desired postfix πŸ“ 2022-12-28T11:12 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-28] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T11:50 ^6f4q9h - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-28T11:12 βœ… 2022-12-28T11:50 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^uy67xb]] - [x] Now it works for the case without postfix πŸ“ 2022-12-28T11:19 [completion::2022-12-28] βœ… 2022-12-28T11:50 - [ ] Fix the bug where the cursor position still changes when appending text πŸ“ 2023-04-03T10:16 [created::2023-04-03] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] ^ueah36 - This task is directly related to the following feature: πŸ“ 2023-04-03T10:16 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^ygsu0f]] ## Publish the plugin - [x] Choose a proper license file when publishing the plugin πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:07 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-27] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::2] [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:57 - #SoftwareDevelopmentLicense πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:14 - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:07 βœ… 2022-12-27T14:13 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^mlgawu]] - [x] Study the license files of some existing plugins πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:07 [completion::2022-12-27] βœ… 2022-12-27T14:13 - MIT License - [[Tool Obsidian - Dataview]] - [phibr0/obsidian-customizable-sidebar: This Plugin allows you to add every Command to Obsidian's Sidebar Ribbon and add Custom Icons.](https://github.com/phibr0/obsidian-customizable-sidebar) - [Darakah/obsidian-timelines: Create a timeline view of all notes with the specified combination of tags](https://github.com/Darakah/obsidian-timelines) - [ivan-lednev/obsidian-task-archiver: Archive completed tasks in your Obsidian vault (plus other org-mode-like features)](https://github.com/ivan-lednev/obsidian-task-archiver) - [DahaWong/obsidian-completed-area: Move completed to-do items to a seperate area.](https://github.com/DahaWong/obsidian-completed-area) - The Unlicense - [JeppeKlitgaard/ObsidianTweaks: A plugin that implements a number of tweaks that should've been native to Obsidian.](https://github.com/JeppeKlitgaard/ObsidianTweaks) - GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 - [[Tool Obsidian - Task Collector]] - ==This license requires that other software released with the same license.== πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:11 - This might mean that I also need to use the same GNU license if I use the plugin code. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:12 ^xy9sli - [x] Add a proper license file, e.g., GNU, to the plugin page πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:12 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:57 ^vglabm - This task directly comes from the following note: πŸ“ 2022-12-27T14:12 βœ… 2022-12-29T21:57 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^xy9sli]] - License choosing info can also be found on the following page: πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:41 βœ… 2022-12-29T21:56 - [Choose an open source license | Choose a License](https://choosealicense.com/) - [x] Make the plugin repository public πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:37 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:56 - [x] Protect the main branch according to the GitHub suggestions πŸ“ 2022-12-27T15:37 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:56 - ==The plugin repository can be found as follows: πŸ“ 2023-01-24T17:26 - [Obsidian: Task Marker](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker) - [x] Use a proper version number of the plugin πŸ“ 2022-12-29T16:38 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:56 - [x] Check the notes in the tutorial πŸ“ 2022-12-29T16:38 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:56 - [[Summary on Obsidian Plugin Developer Docs - 202212250823 - Note#^l9738b]] πŸ“ 2022-12-29T20:52 βœ… 2022-12-29T21:56 - Version 0.1.0 can be used for the initial release. πŸ“ 2022-12-29T20:50 βœ… 2022-12-29T21:56 - [x] Follow the Obsidian sample plugin steps before releasing the plugin πŸ“ 2022-12-29T20:59 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T22:20 ^w5jyde - [x] Add funding URL πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:03 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:35 - [x] Improve code quality with eslint πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:03 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:28 - [x] Release new releases πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:02 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:59 - [x] Update `manifest.json` πŸ“ 2022-12-29T20:59 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:16 - [x] Update `versions.json` πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:00 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:16 - > You can simplify the version bump process by runningΒ `npm version patch`,Β `npm version minor`Β orΒ `npm version major`Β after updatingΒ `minAppVersion`Β manually inΒ `manifest.json`. The command will bump version inΒ `manifest.json`Β andΒ `package.json`, and add the entry for the new version toΒ `versions.json` - [x] Create a GitHub release πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:00 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:58 - [Managing releases in a repository - GitHub Docs](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/releasing-projects-on-github/managing-releases-in-a-repository#creating-a-release) πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:58 - [x] Attach `manifest.json`, `main.js` and `style.css` as attachments πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:00 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:58 - [x] Publish the release πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:01 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:58 - [x] Add the plugin to the community plugin list πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:02 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T22:19 ^itekdd - [x] Check the Plugin review guidelines πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:34 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:34 - [obsidian-releases/plugin-review.md at master Β· obsidianmd/obsidian-releases](https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases/blob/master/plugin-review.md) - [x] Publish an initial version [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:34 - [x] Create a README file [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T21:34 - [x] Make a pull request πŸ“ 2022-12-29T21:35 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T22:19 - [GitHub - obsidianmd/obsidian-releases: Community plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian.](https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases) - [x] Also followed the instructions as follows when publishing the plugin [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T22:19 - [[Summary on Obsidian Plugin Developer Docs - 202212250823 - Note#^8iwr3f]] πŸ“ 2022-12-29T22:20 - [ ] Consider publishing a beta version of the plugin via BRAT πŸ“ 2022-12-28T16:56 - [[Tool Obsidian - BRAT]] - [x] Consider the following notes when publishing the plugin πŸ“ 2022-12-27T13:59 [completion::2022-12-29] βœ… 2022-12-29T22:22 - [[2022-12-26#^9gnrlt]] - [x] #GTDWaitingForDone Obsidian developers response about the submitted plugin on [[2022-12-29]] πŸ“ 2022-12-29T22:23 [created::2022-12-29] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [completion::2023-01-17] βœ… 2023-01-17T20:39 ^sje3yy - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-29T22:24 βœ… 2023-01-17T20:37 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^itekdd]] - ==The Obsidian developer accepted the pull request, and the plugin is now available in the Obsidian community plugin store== πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:38 βœ… 2023-01-17T20:39 ^a3oj7z - [Update community-plugins.json by wenlzhang Β· Pull Request #1488 Β· obsidianmd/obsidian-releases](https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases/pull/1488) - [x] Consider introducing the plugin in the Obsidian Discord channel πŸ“ 2022-12-29T22:25 [completion::2022-12-30] βœ… 2022-12-30T15:33 ^mg0go0 - [x] Create a note containing tasks to show how to use Task Marker πŸ“ 2022-12-30T14:38 [completion::2022-12-30] βœ… 2022-12-30T15:17 - [x] Record the video of usage πŸ“ 2022-12-30T14:39 [completion::2022-12-30] βœ… 2022-12-30T15:17 - [x] Put the video into Discord channel πŸ“ 2022-12-30T14:39 [completion::2022-12-30] βœ… 2022-12-30T15:17 - [x] Posted the video in the "updates" channel after assigning the developer role [completion::2022-12-30] βœ… 2022-12-30T15:17 - [Discord](https://discord.com/channels/686053708261228577/855181471643861002/1058387925215215737) - [x] Convert the video into GIF πŸ“ 2022-12-30T14:39 [completion::2022-12-30] βœ… 2022-12-30T15:33 - [x] Attach the GIF into GitHub project page πŸ“ 2022-12-30T14:39 [completion::2022-12-30] βœ… 2022-12-30T15:33 - [x] Release version 0.2.0 πŸ“ 2022-12-31T13:23 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:36 - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-31T13:26 βœ… 2022-12-31T13:36 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^egnuab]] - [x] Add the following in the release notes πŸ“ 2022-12-31T13:27 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T13:35 - Support creating tasks βœ… 2022-12-31T13:36 - Improve documentation βœ… 2022-12-31T13:36 - Clean up code βœ… 2022-12-31T13:36 - [ ] Study how to automatically release the plugin updates πŸ“ 2022-12-30T17:00 ^sju2qr - This might be necessary if there would be more frequent updates in the future. πŸ“ 2022-12-30T17:01 - [x] Decide not to use the GitHub Actions method for now due to the following reason: [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T18:24 - [[Summary on Obsidian Plugin Developer Docs - 202212250823 - Note#^jca8ms]] - [ ] Try the standard-version method in the next step πŸ“ 2022-12-31T18:24 - [ ] Study the following: πŸ“ 2022-12-31T13:36 - Update version info and such - Update CHANGELOG and such - [ ] Consider update the plugin description in the Obsidian Community Plugins store if the features change much in the future πŸ“ 2022-12-31T17:04 [sf::1] [created::2023-03-04] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] - This task directly comes out when implementing the following feature: πŸ“ 2022-12-31T17:04 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^v11ml0]] - [x] Update the description for version 0.4.0 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T15:13 - This task is directly inspired by the following task: ❎ 2023-03-04T15:13 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^zvog8w]] ❎ 2023-03-04T15:13 - [ ] Consider adding the plugin to the Obsidian Hub by following the following instructions: πŸ“ 2023-01-06T15:13 ^w7m6zo - [CONTRIBUTING - Obsidian Hub - Obsidian Publish](https://publish.obsidian.md/hub/CONTRIBUTING) - [x] Update the plugin README regarding installing the plugin from the community plugin store πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:41 [completion::2023-01-17] βœ… 2023-01-17T21:06 ^9f2zmv - This task directly comes from the following note: πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:41 βœ… 2023-01-17T20:42 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^a3oj7z]] - [x] Publish Task Marker version 0.3.2 πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:35 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-18] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:50 ^jyg3wj - #PTKMExampleTaskNote πŸ“ 2023-01-18T21:23 - [x] Consider improve the following before releasing this version: πŸ“ 2023-01-19T09:46 [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:50 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^osdaoz]] - [x] Release this version after testing for some days πŸ“ 2023-01-18T21:24 [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - Released after testing for 5 days. βœ… 2023-01-23T17:50 - Release notes βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - **Note that you might need to re-assign hotkeys for certain commands, as the way of defining commands has changed in the code.** πŸ“ 2023-01-18T21:22 βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - Sorry about the inconvenience! πŸ“ 2023-01-19T15:26 βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - Feature βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - Show task status symbols in mark task hotkeys πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:37 βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^yakyt0]] - Fix βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - Support cycling the status of indented tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-23T17:33 βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^r7qwh0]] - Code βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - Define commands in one step πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:38 βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^llqkck]] - Use `editorCheckCallback` to define commands πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:39 βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^ufuu7t]] - Clean up code πŸ“ 2023-01-19T10:23 βœ… 2023-01-23T17:49 - [x] Publish Task Marker version 0.3.3 πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:52 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-31] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] [completion::2023-02-04] βœ… 2023-02-04T18:43 ^1ng35t - [x] Release this version after testing for a few days πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:53 βœ… 2023-02-04T18:41 - [x] Address the following task when releasing this new version πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:56 [completion::2023-02-04] βœ… 2023-02-04T18:42 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^ar5zmn]] - [ ] Check if easy to fix the following issue when releasing the new version πŸ“ 2023-02-01T10:36 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^l0wasr]] - This is mainly for the following reasons, if this is not too difficult to fix: πŸ“ 2023-02-01T10:36 - Using newer version esbuild for future feature development might be beneficial. - GitHub would frequently remind the update of esbuild. Of course, one can aways disable the reminder, although not sure what this would cause. - [ ] Consider addressing the following feature and issue before releasing this version πŸ“ 2023-02-02T12:16 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^nz0gv0]] - Release notes βœ… 2023-02-04T18:28 - Feature βœ… 2023-02-04T18:28 - Add more options for appending text πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:53 βœ… 2023-02-04T18:28 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^y3dmx1]] - [x] Publish Task Marker version 0.3.4 πŸ“ 2023-02-04T18:23 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-31] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:51 ^8e4m2c - [x] Check remaining tasks when releasing version 0.3.3 πŸ“ 2023-02-04T18:23 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:40 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^1ng35t]] - [x] Update the documentation about this feature [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:45 - Release notes ❎ 2023-02-10T19:51 - Feature ❎ 2023-02-10T19:51 - Support cycling task status reversely πŸ“ 2023-02-06T22:19 ❎ 2023-02-10T19:51 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^6zdzak]] - [x] Release Task Marker version 0.3.5 πŸ“ 2023-02-11T20:41 [sf::1] [created::2023-02-11] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::2] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] [completion::2023-02-17] βœ… 2023-02-17T17:01 ^b6pgjn - [x] Update the documentation about this feature πŸ“ 2023-02-11T20:42 [completion::2023-02-17] βœ… 2023-02-17T16:55 - Release notes βœ… 2023-02-17T17:00 - Feature βœ… 2023-02-17T17:00 - Support cycling task status from a list item πŸ“ 2023-02-11T20:43 βœ… 2023-02-17T17:01 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^s4p4h3]] - Fix βœ… 2023-02-17T17:01 - Allow operating on items that start with note or URL links πŸ“ 2023-02-12T14:43 βœ… 2023-02-17T17:01 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^j3h2zx]] - Start with the correct status when reversely cycling task statuses πŸ“ 2023-02-12T14:44 βœ… 2023-02-17T17:01 - [x] Release Task Marker version 0.3.6 πŸ“ 2023-02-21T22:02 [sf::1] [created::2023-02-21] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::2] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:51 ^hufpya - [x] Update the documentation about this feature πŸ“ 2023-02-21T22:03 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:19 - [x] Check the notes in settings πŸ“ 2023-02-21T22:03 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:19 - [-] Consider releasing it as 0.4.0 and summarize major changes from 0.3.0 πŸ“ 2023-02-26T16:34 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:22 - Seems not necessary, as the docs have been updated already. βœ… 2023-03-04T14:22 - [x] Consider mention this update in the Discord channel πŸ“ 2023-03-04T14:24 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:50 ^zvog8w - [x] Also mention the total time used to develop this feature πŸ“ 2023-03-04T14:25 [completion::2023-03-04] βœ… 2023-03-04T14:49 - 01:44 + 01:18 + 02:20 + 01:01 = 06:23 πŸ“ 2023-03-04T14:26 ❎ 2023-03-04T14:49 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStatsEntry - First note on this feature [[2023-02-14]] πŸ“ 2023-03-04T14:28 ❎ 2023-03-04T14:49 - The detailed note for this can be found as follows: ❎ 2023-03-04T14:49 - [[2023-03-04#^gbsl4e]] ❎ 2023-03-04T14:49 - [Discord](https://discord.com/channels/686053708261228577/855181471643861002/1081573838669758464) ❎ 2023-03-04T14:50 - Release notes ❎ 2023-03-04T14:35 - Feature ❎ 2023-03-04T14:35 - Support automatically appending text according to task status πŸ“ 2023-02-21T22:04 ❎ 2023-03-04T14:35 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^06r8l0]] ❎ 2023-03-04T14:35 - [ ] Consider describing the following use case for the auto appending feature: πŸ“ 2023-03-04T14:34 - A use case: Append text after cycling task status or other cases where text is not appended after marking a task - One can customise the desired behaviour for marked tasks πŸ“ 2023-02-26T16:35 - Support automatically appending text to a non-task line πŸ“ 2023-02-26T16:36 ❎ 2023-03-04T14:35 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^0rfze6]] ❎ 2023-03-04T14:35 - One can customise the desired behaviour πŸ“ 2023-02-26T16:38 ❎ 2023-03-04T14:35 - Documentation ❎ 2023-03-04T14:34 - Update descriptions in plugin settings πŸ“ 2023-02-26T16:36 ❎ 2023-03-04T14:34 ## Address user requests - [x] Use Canvas to arrange issues to address πŸ“ 2023-02-10T10:11 [sf::1] [created::2023-02-10] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::2] [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T12:59 ^kllua4 - #ToolObsidianCanvasUsage πŸ“ 2023-02-10T12:59 - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2023-02-10T10:11 βœ… 2023-02-10T12:58 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^ejgpn5]] - This is mainly because some issues are related together or to other planned tasks, and addressing them somewhat together might be easier to manage. πŸ“ 2023-02-10T10:12 - ==Arranged in the following task:== πŸ“ 2023-02-10T12:58 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^qp8uf7]] - [ ] Think about asking for help regarding addressing certain issues πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:23 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-26] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] ^b4ysyt - [ ] Check the following page regarding how to ask for help: πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:28 - [Plugins seeking help - Obsidian Hub - Obsidian Publish](https://publish.obsidian.md/hub/01+-+Community/Contributing+to+the+Community/Plugins+seeking+help) - [ ] Consider this for the following features: πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:26 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^2kmcnm]] - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^36m5zr]] - [ ] Also check the following related task πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:27 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^w7m6zo]] - [x] Support keeping cursor location when cycling task statuses πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:07 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-08] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::3] [i::2] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] [completion::2023-03-24] βœ… 2023-03-24T18:03 ^ygsu0f - The problem is as follows: πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:08 ❎ 2023-03-24T17:50 - If the cursor is at the end of the text, if is fine; otherwise, the cursor would go to the beginning of the task text when cycling the task statuses. ❎ 2023-03-24T17:50 - [Cursor positioning on cycle tasks, Marking already closed tasks from menu Β· Issue #10 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/10) ❎ 2023-03-24T17:50 - [ ] Try to resolve the issue from the following aspects: πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:10 - [ ] Confirm how the task statuses are changed/cycled πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:10 - [ ] Check why it is fine if the cursor is at the end of the task text πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:11 - [x] Check the following idea regarding how to resolve the cursor changing issue πŸ“ 2023-01-25T10:14 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-25] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [completion::2023-03-24] βœ… 2023-03-24T17:53 ^da984c - [[2023-01-24#^ruizvw]] ❎ 2023-03-24T17:53 - [I] It could be that the commands `return lineText` at the end, and this may not handle cursor location. πŸ“ 2023-02-11T20:14 ❎ 2023-03-24T17:53 - Realised this when trying to resolve the following issue: πŸ“ 2023-02-11T20:15 ❎ 2023-03-24T17:53 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^s4p4h3]] ❎ 2023-03-24T17:53 - [x] Check how the following plugins handle/keep cursor locations πŸ“ 2023-02-02T20:28 [completion::2023-03-24] βœ… 2023-03-24T17:59 - In fact, it is when I wanted to quickly navigate to a heading of the current note and create a feature note that makes me think about this method: πŸ“ 2023-02-02T20:29 #PTKMExampleTaskLink - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^pljuwk]] ❎ 2023-03-24T17:54 - [[Tool Obsidian - Code Editor Shortcuts]] ❎ 2023-03-24T17:54 - [x] Check how Text Generator handles similar issues πŸ“ 2023-03-06T08:56 [completion::2023-03-24] βœ… 2023-03-24T17:57 ^gq9jxn - [[2023-03-05#^fadltc]] ❎ 2023-03-24T17:55 - [[Tool Obsidian - Text Generator]] ❎ 2023-03-24T17:55 - [x] Check the code on the following line: πŸ“ 2023-03-07T14:01 [completion::2023-03-24] βœ… 2023-03-24T17:55 - [obsidian-textgenerator-plugin/AutoSuggest.ts at 13802f5e366fcc7be0231b95d161ca5200c843fa Β· nhaouari/obsidian-textgenerator-plugin Β· GitHub](https://github.com/nhaouari/obsidian-textgenerator-plugin/blob/13802f5e366fcc7be0231b95d161ca5200c843fa/src/AutoSuggest.ts#L142) ❎ 2023-03-24T17:55 - `selectSuggestion` πŸ“ 2023-03-08T15:29 ❎ 2023-03-24T17:55 - ==The final solution suggested by Cursor is actually very similar to the code here but on a higher level of the code.== πŸ“ 2023-03-24T17:56 #AIApplicationCodingExample #ToolCursor ^irvtvi - [x] Search for the keyword "cursor" on Obsidian Discord and Forum πŸ“ 2023-03-08T16:34 [completion::2023-03-24] βœ… 2023-03-24T17:57 - [feat: place cursor inside markup if no selection was made (#2) Β· Fevol/obsidian-criticmarkup@ef1a635 Β· GitHub](https://github.com/Fevol/obsidian-criticmarkup/commit/ef1a635c47c246bcb95eff9a07677a3b19eb08f0) πŸ“ 2023-03-08T16:35 ❎ 2023-03-24T17:57 - [Is there a way to set cursor position with api - Developers & API - Obsidian Forum](https://forum.obsidian.md/t/is-there-a-way-to-set-cursor-position-with-api/8433/2) πŸ“ 2023-03-08T16:55 ❎ 2023-03-24T17:57 - [!] ==Still not sure now to keep the cursor location and pass the cursor parameters.== πŸ“ 2023-03-08T16:35 ❎ 2023-03-24T17:58 - [ ] Think about from the following aspects: πŸ“ 2023-03-08T16:35 - How to pass the updated `lineText` to the command in another code file? Or, is this necessary? πŸ“ 2023-03-08T16:36 - [ ] Think about the following factors πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:11 - Is the task text usually very long or not? If not, is it very critical to address this issue? - [ ] Mark it as accepting a pull request, if I cannot resolve the issue πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:12 ^36m5zr - [ ] Also mark `help wanted` or something similar and see if it would appear in Obsidian Hub πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:33 - [b] The issue is finally resolved in version 0.4.1 with the help of Cursor. This point is also mentioned in the following note: πŸ“ 2023-03-24T17:59 - [[Tool Cursor]] - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^irvtvi]] - [x] Think about how to address the issue of marking completed/cancelled tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:13 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-08] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::3] [completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:16 ^gbodp6 - This feature directly comes from the following issue: πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:14 - [Cursor positioning on cycle tasks, Marking already closed tasks from menu Β· Issue #10 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/10) - [ ] There are also several other interesting discussions there πŸ“ 2023-01-11T21:16 - [ ] Think about the following concerns: πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:14 - There can be some operations that make a completed/cancelled tasks being completed/cancelled several times by mistake. - The text might be appended several times, if a completed/cancelled task is marked several times. - On the other hand, when marking a task as other statuses other than completed/cancelled, one can already append text every time. - Also, if the task statuses are changed after a long time (not immediately correcting the wrongly marked status), this status changing and text appending would still make sense, as one can see how many times a task is marked. - In this sense, it is mainly to mark a task with the correct status immediately, then it may not be necessary to append text each time. - [x] Try to achieve this feature by considering the following aspects: πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:19 [completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:15 ^couvoi - ==Took about 1 hour to address the following points.== πŸ“ 2023-01-11T21:29 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [-] Try to add an option in the settings that allow to change the status of a completed/cancelled task πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:22 [completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 - Coding-wise, one can add an `if` statement to achieve this. πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:22 βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 - This is not needed, as the following feature is used instead: βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^js4j70]] - [x] Make sure that the operation and text appending would not work if one tries to mark the task with the same status πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:20 [completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 ^js4j70 - Coding-wise, one can add an comparing statement and see if the mark is the same as the current mark (beginning of the task text). πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:23 βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 - [x] Try to give a hint for the user to confirm if marking a completed/cancelled task is desired or not πŸ“ 2023-01-08T13:20 [completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 - [x] Check how the Advanced URI plugin does this πŸ“ 2023-01-11T20:20 [completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 - [x] Search for the keywords "copied to your clipboard" πŸ“ 2023-01-11T20:26 [completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 - [ ] Check if there are specific warning notifications in Obsidian πŸ“ 2023-01-11T20:20 - [x] Add notifications for different operations πŸ“ 2023-01-11T20:19 [completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:14 - Modified the corresponding code for marking and creating tasks, as well as for appending text. βœ… 2023-01-11T20:52 - [x] Fix the bug where completing tasks does not append text[completion::2023-01-11] βœ… 2023-01-11T21:03 - [ ] Resolve the issue regarding changes in certain settings require Obsidian to restart πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:31 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-17] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] ^l51qtv - This issue directly comes from the following request: πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:32 - [register to right click menu Β· Issue #17 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/17) - [ ] Check the following comment from the Obsidian developer, as it may directly resolve the issue πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:51 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^ufuu7t]] - [ ] Check how plugins like Task Collector resolves this issue πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:31 - [ ] Check the following related features in settings πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:00 - Define individual hotkeys for marking task statuses: πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:02 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^osdaoz]] - From a long time of usage, this does not seem to be an issue or a big issue any more. πŸ“ 2023-03-24T18:19 - [x] Resolve the issue regarding cycling indented tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-23T09:19 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-23] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:31 ^r7qwh0 - ==It took around 30 minutes to resolve the issue.== πŸ“ 2023-01-23T17:52 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [x] Check the ideas mentioned in the following note: πŸ“ 2023-01-23T09:20 [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:31 - [[2023-01-23#^j8q0hl]] - [x] Use regular expression to match the beginning of the task πŸ“ 2023-01-23T09:20 [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:27 - `this.anyTaskMark` can be used for such a purpose but needs some modification. πŸ“ 2023-01-23T17:08 ❎ 2023-01-23T17:18 - [x] Search for the keywords "javascript startswith ignore leading whitespace" πŸ“ 2023-01-23T17:19 [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:27 - [java - How to use String.startWith(..) to ignore leading whitespace? - Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18797007/how-to-use-string-startwith-to-ignore-leading-whitespace) - `string.trim()` can be used to trim the leading and trailing whitespace. πŸ“ 2023-01-23T17:20 ❎ 2023-01-23T17:27 - [x] Check how existing code determines incomplete task statuses πŸ“ 2023-01-23T09:21 [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T16:56 - Nothing special found to help resolve the issue. βœ… 2023-01-23T16:57 - [x] Check how existing plugins address this issue πŸ“ 2023-01-23T09:21 [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:28 - No particular methods found. βœ… 2023-01-23T17:28 - [x] Post the update on this point in another related issue where a user mentioned something similar to this πŸ“ 2023-01-23T09:22 [completion::2023-01-23] βœ… 2023-01-23T17:55 - ["cycle task status" doesn't cycle for tab-indented items (e.g with Outliner plugin) Β· Issue #19 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker Β· GitHub](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/19#issuecomment-1400653651) - [ ] Support keyboard arrow navigation when marking tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:25 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-26] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] ^2kmcnm - This feature directly comes from the following request: πŸ“ 2023-01-26T11:26 - [Mark Task menu should arrow key navigation Β· Issue #20 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/20) - [ ] Check the following note when addressing this πŸ“ 2023-02-10T19:37 - [[2023-02-10#^f5erz6]] - [x] Resolve the issue related to appending Dataview like task text πŸ“ 2023-02-05T09:04 [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:36 ^dx4kcm - This can be seen as follows: πŸ“ 2023-02-05T09:04 βœ… 2023-02-10T19:36 - [Bug in appending text which has text and colon on marking complete a task Β· Issue #28 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker Β· GitHub](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/28) - [x] Check the following idea for thoughts on how to address this issue πŸ“ 2023-02-05T09:04 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:36 - [[2023-02-05#^5gl56r]] - [ ] Check and arrange related thoughts and tasks for further reference πŸ“ 2023-02-05T09:14 ^raqbqv - [x] Update the documentation and post the update on the issue page πŸ“ 2023-02-05T10:48 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:35 ^t4a7ml - Note that the text string settings should follow the `moment.js` format, e.g., `YYYY-MM-DD`. For the text that is not part of the `moment.js` format, one needs to use brackets to surround it. πŸ“ 2023-02-05T10:53 ❎ 2023-02-10T19:35 - For instance, one may use xxx for appending text of Dataview format. ❎ 2023-02-10T19:35 - [>] Consider adding a link to the settings doc at the top of the setting pane πŸ“ 2023-02-05T10:50 [mark::2023-02-10] ❎ 2023-02-10T19:35 ^msnhea - [>] Also consider updating the following doc πŸ“ 2023-02-06T13:01 [mark::2023-02-10] ❎ 2023-02-10T19:32 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^dzpf3h]] - [x] Support individual command for cancelling tasks πŸ“ 2023-02-07T09:03 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T12:47 ^tp79bp - This issue can be seen as follows: πŸ“ 2023-02-07T09:04 βœ… 2023-02-10T12:47 - [Create separate command for cancel task Β· Issue #32 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/32) - [x] Check the following note regarding how to address this issue: πŸ“ 2023-02-07T09:04 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T12:46 - [[2023-02-07#^08mbhr]] - [ ] Support various prefixes for unordered list items πŸ“ 2023-07-24T15:41 [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^dnlxds - This directly comes from the following feature request: πŸ“ 2023-07-24T15:41 ❎ 2023-07-24T16:04 - [Support all un-ordered list markers Β· Issue #72 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/72) ❎ 2023-07-24T16:04 - [x] Ask Cursor about the meaning of the lines of code the user specifies πŸ“ 2023-07-24T15:45 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T16:04 - [x] Ask ChatGPT and confirm the correctness of the answers πŸ“ 2023-07-24T16:03 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T16:04 - ChatGPT says that the code given by the user is better than the one given by Cursor. ❎ 2023-07-24T16:03 - [x] Confirm if necessary to change other related code πŸ“ 2023-07-24T15:45 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T16:03 - ChatGPT says no other code needs to be changed. ❎ 2023-07-24T16:03 - [x] Develop and test the feature πŸ“ 2023-07-24T16:13 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T16:45 - The command Cycle tasks does not work ❎ 2023-07-24T16:14 - [x] Search for `- [` in the code files and update them to work for `* [` and `+ [` πŸ“ 2023-07-24T16:38 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T16:45 - Updated everything except for those in test files. ❎ 2023-07-24T16:40 - [x] Release a new version and ask the user to test it πŸ“ 2023-07-24T15:44 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T17:26 - Personally not using other prefixes. ❎ 2023-07-24T17:26 - [x] Summarize related notes and resources πŸ“ 2023-07-24T16:46 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T17:26 - [x] Add tags about time stats and AI usage πŸ“ 2023-07-24T16:46 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T17:26 - [b] ==It took around 1 h 20 min to add the feature and around 24 min to summarize related notes.== πŸ“ 2023-07-24T17:23 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [x] Save the chat records about the feature development πŸ“ 2023-07-24T16:46 [completion::2023-07-24] βœ… 2023-07-24T17:25 - [[RegExp Matching in Obsidian Task Marker_ChatGPT - 202307241457 - Reference]] ❎ 2023-07-24T17:26 ## Improve plugin code - [x] Improve the plugin code according to plugin submission feedback πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:44 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-17] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::1] [i::1] [completion::2023-01-18] βœ… 2023-01-18T20:41 - ==This task took around 1 hour 35 minutes to complete.== πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:44 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - This task directly comes from the following note: πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:44 βœ… 2023-01-18T20:38 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^a3oj7z]] - [x] Define the commands in one step, to avoid forgetting them after definition πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:48 [completion::2023-01-18] βœ… 2023-01-18T20:37 ^llqkck - For example, one can combine `this.addCommand(createTaskCommand)` with `const createTaskCommand: Command = {`. πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:49 βœ… 2023-01-18T20:37 - [x] Add task status symbols to the commands πŸ“ 2023-01-18T19:30 [completion::2023-01-18] βœ… 2023-01-18T20:36 ^yakyt0 - [x] Improve the way of adding commands for better handling toggling in settings πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:50 [completion::2023-01-18] βœ… 2023-01-18T20:41 ^ufuu7t - For example, `if (this.taskMarker.settings.supportCanceledTasks) {` can be handled with `editorCheckCallback`. πŸ“ 2023-01-17T20:51 βœ… 2023-01-18T20:39 - [x] Consider doing the same for adding hotkeys for marking individual task statuses πŸ“ 2023-01-18T19:55 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T10:01 ^5e5tfo - Changing this still requires Obsidian restart to take effect. πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:15 ❎ 2023-01-21T10:01 - Therefore, this is reverted for now. ==Still, the code is in the branch `hotkey_for_indivdual_task_statuses`.== πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:33 ❎ 2023-01-21T10:01 - Done in the following task: βœ… 2023-01-21T09:59 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^osdaoz]] - [x] Consider using a for loop to improve the way of defining hotkeys for marking individual task statuses πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:11 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T09:57 ^osdaoz - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2023-01-18T20:11 βœ… 2023-01-21T09:55 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^5e5tfo]] - This can reduce the lines of code a lot and could make it easier for adjusting related features in the future. πŸ“ 2023-01-19T09:44 βœ… 2023-01-21T09:55 - [x] Consider the following thoughts when improving this point πŸ“ 2023-01-19T09:45 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T09:54 - [[2023-01-18#^p1zvjy]] - ==One can use the same method for adding more rows/groups of task statuses in the future== πŸ“ 2023-01-19T10:08 ^jgwg4m - For example, in each group, one can assign different suffix to append. πŸ“ 2023-01-19T10:08 ❎ 2023-01-21T09:57 - [ ] Unify command names for various features πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:54 - This task directly comes from the following task: πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:54 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^m0emc1]] ## Improve plugin documentation - [x] Improve the initial plugin descriptions πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:31 [sf::1] [created::2022-12-27] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::2] [i::2] [completion::2023-01-15] βœ… 2023-01-15T14:31 - [-] Refer to the Task Collector page for most descriptions πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:17 [completion::2023-01-15] βœ… 2023-01-15T14:27 - This is not needed, as the current plugin provides reduced and a little different features, and different design considerations. βœ… 2023-01-15T14:28 - [>] Introduce why one would like to have certain features πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:32 [mark::2023-01-15] ❎ 2023-01-15T14:28 ^sfk4gi - Remove moving tasks because one wants to retain task structure, and the task management system does not need this feature. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T16:32 ❎ 2023-01-15T14:28 - Support appending text when marking tasks as different statuses. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:09 ❎ 2023-01-15T14:28 - Support assigning hotkeys when doing this. πŸ“ 2022-12-27T23:09 ❎ 2023-01-15T14:28 - Support marking items with row 2 and specify different postfix from row 1 πŸ“ 2022-12-28T11:55 ❎ 2023-01-15T14:28 - This is related to the following task: πŸ“ 2022-12-28T11:54 βœ… 2023-01-15T14:29 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^uy67xb]] - [x] Consider adding a few screenshots for explaining main features πŸ“ 2022-12-29T13:34 [completion::2023-01-15] βœ… 2023-01-15T14:26 - [x] Update README by using a faster GIF πŸ“ 2022-12-31T19:21 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T19:23 - [x] Search for the keywords "video to gif faster speed" πŸ“ 2022-12-31T19:22 [completion::2022-12-31] βœ… 2022-12-31T19:23 - [GIF speed changer](https://ezgif.com/speed) πŸ“ 2022-12-31T19:23 #ToolGIF - [x] Further improve the descriptions πŸ“ 2022-12-29T11:40 [completion::2023-01-15] βœ… 2023-01-15T14:31 - [-] Consider if necessary to use a table to summarise task status change rules πŸ“ 2022-12-29T11:40 [completion::2023-01-15] βœ… 2023-01-15T14:31 - This can be found in the Task Collector table. πŸ“ 2022-12-29T11:40 βœ… 2023-01-15T14:30 - This is not needed, as the user can define the status to cycle among. βœ… 2023-01-15T14:30 - [x] Explain settings in README πŸ“ 2022-12-29T12:48 [completion::2023-01-15] βœ… 2023-01-15T14:30 - [ ] Consider explaining why I developed the Task Marker plugin πŸ“ 2023-01-08T18:10 [sf::1] [created::2023-02-11] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^a26gnw - This task directly comes from the reply in the following issue: πŸ“ 2023-01-08T18:10 - [Cursor positioning on cycle tasks, Marking already closed tasks from menu Β· Issue #10 Β· wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker Β· GitHub](https://github.com/wenlzhang/obsidian-task-marker/issues/10#issuecomment-1374880792) - Since it is already explained in the issue above, maybe I could also explain it in the plugin project page and future blog posts. πŸ“ 2023-01-13T22:00 - [ ] Also check the following related task: πŸ“ 2023-01-15T14:27 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^sfk4gi]] - [ ] Check the following note for ideas of writing the blog: πŸ“ 2023-02-13T11:58 - [[2023-02-13#^gef2jr]] - [x] Consider referring to the Tasks plugin documentation regarding how to style task statuses πŸ“ 2023-01-15T14:32 [created::2023-01-15] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] [completion::2023-01-25] βœ… 2023-01-25T16:58 - [x] Refer to the future doc of the section "Style custom statuses" πŸ“ 2023-01-15T14:33 [completion::2023-01-25] βœ… 2023-01-25T16:57 - This is found through the Obsidian Discord channel and is detailed in the following comment: πŸ“ 2023-01-15T14:34 βœ… 2023-01-25T16:57 - [Test build of Tasks with custom status support - for testing and feedback Β· Discussion #1530 Β· obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks Β· GitHub](https://github.com/obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks/discussions/1530#discussion-4755865) - ==Added links to the following page in the end.== πŸ“ 2023-01-25T16:56 - [Status Collections | Obsidian Tasks](https://obsidian-tasks-group.github.io/obsidian-tasks/reference/status-collections/) - This is because the latest release of Tasks mentioned this page. πŸ“ 2023-01-25T16:58 - [x] Improve the descriptions in settings and docs regarding a few feature changes πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:03 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T10:28 - ==This task took around 25 minutes to complete.== πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:27 #ToolObsidianPluginDevStats - [x] Change the description regarding marking individual task statuses with hotkeys πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:04 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T10:28 - This task directly comes from the following feature: πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:04 βœ… 2023-01-21T10:28 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^osdaoz]] - This is because one can assign hotkeys for all individual task statuses, not just the first five. πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:06 βœ… 2023-01-21T10:28 - [x] Change the description in settings regarding restarting Obsidian πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:05 [completion::2023-01-21] βœ… 2023-01-21T10:28 - One can sometimes just re-open the vault. πŸ“ 2023-01-21T10:05 βœ… 2023-01-21T10:28 - [ ] Consider explaining the differences among a few commands related to changing the status of a task as open πŸ“ 2023-01-28T10:29 - Check the following notes for details: πŸ“ 2023-01-28T10:30 - [[2023-01-27#^z65yiu]] - [ ] Consider changing text like "Creating tasks" to "Create" tasks πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:13 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-31] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] ^xlaa9j - This task directly comes out when check the settings for the following task: πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:14 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^y3dmx1]] - This is to be consistent with the corresponding commands. πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:20 - [ ] Change this in Settings πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:13 - [ ] Also update the following descriptions in settings: πŸ“ 2023-02-10T19:35 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^msnhea]] - [x] Change this in docs πŸ“ 2023-01-31T19:13 [completion::2023-02-10] βœ… 2023-02-10T19:34 - This is done together with the following task: βœ… 2023-02-10T19:34 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^t4a7ml]] - [ ] Consider adding a few features to improve to the README page πŸ“ 2023-02-06T12:59 [p::4] [l:: #DVTLCanvas ] ^dzpf3h - This may provide an easy way to let the users know what are planned features. πŸ“ 2023-02-06T13:00 - One can also do the following to also show how to use Task Marker: πŸ“ 2023-02-08T20:31 #ToolObsidianTaskMarkerUsage - Mark certain features as completed/transferred and append the desired text - Link related issues to the corresponding features - [ ] Consider using Canvas or mind map to help illustrate the relationships among a few features πŸ“ 2023-02-23T11:07 ^5l2z0z - This is related to the following tasks and features: πŸ“ 2023-02-23T11:09 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^qqkhbr]] - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^cgt3u2]] ## Improve plugin development environment - [ ] Update the config file for esbuild version 0.17 πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:42 [sf::1] [created::2023-01-31] #DVTToDo [ c:: #DVTC3D ] [p::4] [i::4] ^l0wasr - This task directly comes from the following note: πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:42 - [[Project actions - Develop an Obsidian plugin for changing task status - 202212262317#^g7mnob]] - [ ] Check on the Obsidian forum and Discord and see how to update the config file πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:43 - [ ] Check other plugins that released a newer version and see their config file πŸ“ 2023-01-31T20:43 ## Summarize linked notes and materials - [ ] Summarize and process linked notes πŸ“ 2022-12-26T23:17 - Note 1 - [ ] Summarize and archive linked reference materials πŸ“ 2022-12-26T23:17 - Reference 1 ## Confirm all tasks within this note are completed ```dataviewjs // Define function for expanding search to sub-tasks const taskAny = function taskAny(t, f) { if (f(t)) return true; for (let sub of t.children) if (taskAny(sub, f)) return true; return false; } // Define function for hiding sub-tasks const hideCompletedSubtasks = (t) => ({ ...t, children: t.children.filter(st => taskAny(st, st => !st.checked && st.real)).map(hideCompletedSubtasks) }) // Search for tasks const allTasks = dv.current() .file .tasks .where(t => taskAny(t, t => !t.checked && t.real)) .sort(t => [t.due, t.p]) // Hide completed sub-tasks allTasks.values = allTasks.values.map(hideCompletedSubtasks) // Show tasks as a list // dv.header(5, "==Tasks as a List==") for (let group of allTasks .groupBy(t => t.section.subpath) .sort(group => group.key, 'asc')) { dv.header(5, "==" + group.key + "==") // dv.header(2, group.key.file.path) dv.taskList(group.rows, false) } ```